Ag Cruthú Drámaíocht Trí Ghaeilge
Creating Theatre Work Through Irish
Tá an ceardlann seo dírithe ar ealaíontóirí go bhfuil suim acu drámaíocht a chruthú trí Ghaeilge. Tabharfaidh sé seans do ealaíontóirí de ghach chumas Gaeilge dul i gcleachtadh ar mhódhanna ceapúcháin (devising) chun dramaí a chuma agus a chur ar stáitse.
This workshop is directed at artists who would like to make work through Irish. It is an opportunity for artists of all levels of Irish to explore devising methods to create theatre work.
Díreofar ar chleachtas Moonfish, ina measctar amhránaíocht, ceoil, bogadh, aisteoreacht, agus teic digiteach ina measc.
The workshop will draw on Moonfish’s practice, which draws together song, music, movement and digital technology, among other elements.
Venue: Bank of Ireland Theatre
Tickets: €12*
Date: Thursday May 9
Time: 2pm
Duration: 120 mins